The New Green Environmental Activists

Extinction Rebellion and the Sunrise Movement are two relatively new environmental groups who are directly targeting the oil and gas energy sector in predominantly the Unites States and Western Europe.  Extinction Rebellion (ER) has been responsible for some major civil disruptions in the UK and Scotland.  ER has attracted violent elements of the environmental movements to include Antifa, AfD, French Black Bloc and traditional anarchist individuals who are likely to escalate ER protest tactics.  The Sunrise Movement (SM) is more of a youth targeted environmentalist group predominantly in the US, but created from Western Europe environmental youth movements.  Their current aims are focused in political targets and have direct connections to the Green New Deal political initiative.  The targets of these environmental groups are the oil and gas energy sector and oil and gas associated international financial institutions. 

For the full report, link to: IR-19-119-001_ER and Sunrise.pdf