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Activity Summary - Week Ending on 3 January 2025:
- Red Sky identified 14,149 connections from ‘new’ and unique, compromised IP addresses
- rpd[.]sh in the Netherlands hit 108x
- Red Sky Alliance Dark Web Data Collection (last 365 days)
- CISA Report 12 30
Activity Summary - Week Ending on 27 December 2024:
- Red Sky identified 14,713 connections from ‘new’ and unique, compromised IP addresses
- Alsycon B.V. in the Netherlands hit 42,067 !!
- Red Sky Alliance Botnet Tracker Data Collection (last 90 days)
- Co
Activity Summary - Week Ending on 20 December 2024:
- Red Sky identified 17,881 connections from ‘new’ and unique, compromised IP addresses
- M247 LTD Frankfurt Infrastructure in Germany hit 388x (2nd week)
- Red Sky Alliance Breach Data Collection (last
Activity Summary - Week Ending on 13 December 2024:
- Red Sky identified 17,881 connections from ‘new’ and unique, compromised IP addresses
- M247 LTD Frankfurt Infrastructure in Germany hit 387x
- Vessel Impersonation and Supply Chain Data Collection (la
Activity Summary - Week Ending on 6 December 2024:
- Red Sky identified 19,804 connections from ‘new’ and unique, compromised IP addresses
- HostRoyale Technologies in Portugal hit 271x
- Malicious E-Mail Data Collection (last 30 days)
- Mozilla Vulnerabili